Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Isn't this the funkiest little fruit you've ever seen..? It's known as a Rambutan. Of course this little guy isn't as pretty as a freshly picked one, but with a trek all the way from Indonesia, I guess a little change in color is to be expected.

I was bored last week, and decided that if I couldn't (ok, shouldn't) stuff my face with unhealthy things, I'd go in search of healthier stuff to snack on. One of my favorite places to go when I am bored is AJ's Fine Food's. I love the unique food items, the prepared meals, the gift items, and they also have a fabulous wine cellar.

While walking through, I came across this little critter. I honestly thought it had something to do with seafood, but then felt pretty stupid since I was obviously in the produce department. I was so intrigued by it, that I bought two of them. Only two. At $12.89 a lb. It was either going to be an expensive fruit that I hated, or a cheap, spiny looking pet.

After I cut the Rambutan open, I started to laugh. It was if it was staring at me. The color of the fruit creeped me out, too. It really looked as if an egg had gone bad.

But once I popped the little bugger out of his shell, he looked less like an egg and more like an eyeball. It even felt like what I thought an eyeball would feel like. Maybe I should have saved this for Halloween..?

I braved it though, and took a bite. I have to say, it was pretty tasty. It had the texture of a very smooth kiwi, it's taste similar, but not with the tartness that a kiwi can sometimes have.

I still have no idea what kind of recipe I could possibly make out of these. But the entertainment value was pretty good, and they did keep me from eating the Toll House bar cookies my daughter made. Have I mentioned I can't wait until this diet and fitness challenge is over..? Only 23 lbs more to go...


  1. I got dried Rambutan from Trader Joe's once - I was so intrigued by the drawings on the package of the spiky little fruit! I can't say it was my favorite - I remember it being wickedly tart, but maybe that occurred in the drying process.

  2. I love rambutan, I haven't seen them in my store lately. They're quite delicious though.

  3. Hahaha.. I thought it looked like eye balls too!

    I've only had the dried from TJ's and it was only okay.

    Everything I can think to do with it is fattening -- maybe just eat it with some lemon frozen yogurt?

  4. very interesting. I've never seen it before but I'd give it a try. Which AJ's did you find it at?

  5. I ve never seen these . they look so nice!

  6. I know I SHOULD have tried to connect with you in Phx. - feel stupid that I didn't, esp. since we probably could've had a grand time at AJ's - whatever that is! You go on the diet - sounds like you are doing great!!

  7. Oh yeah - I can kind of help with topsy-turvy cakes, but only in theory - I've never actually done one! But I can certainly tell you what I know about them - let me know when you're ready!

  8. OK... this creation completely scares me :) but you learn something everyday, right...? I did!

    I LOVE your blog, and have just spent the last hour stalking it! Do you design it? If so, I need HELP with mine! LOL! I love it, looks awesome.

    I'm going to add you to my "frequent reading" list, if that is ok...

    see you Monday!

  9. I've been to an AJ's on vacation in AZ, I love that store! I loved this post, because it made me think of checking out some things that I never tried before. BTW, congrats on your awesome diet willpower, would you mind sending some my way!

  10. I need to know what you will do with it! Spooky. But in a fun sort of way.

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