Saturday, February 7, 2009

I, am gi-nourmous...

Well, today was D-day. Weigh in day. And not just any weigh in. It was a "You ain't hiding none of yo fat baby" kind of weigh in. It was under water. You can't lie. You can't fudge. You are FA-reakin' fat baby! You can try to hide it, but believe me, they find all of it. Insult to injury: I paid to be told that. Ouch. But it was time... I can't hide it anymore. I felt like a wet cat when it was over.

So for the next 3 months I am committed to working my butt off, every day. I am committed to eating right, every day. I am part of an incredible group of gals that work out with Stroller Strides, an amazing group of moms who work out with their kiddo's in the stroller. In our local group, 9 moms signed up for the nationwide Get Fit Challenge . My challenge: to obliterate almost half the 40.5% body fat that I have accumulated over time, to get to an ideal 22%.

I can do this...


  1. Good on you!
    I had the courage to weigh myself a couple of days ago and found that a couple of kilos have crept in. Time to get those platefuls of veggies out and skip the pasta.
    Chef Chuck is going to have a lot to answer for!

  2. Good for you! And, yes, you CAN do this!

  3. I am proud of you!
    You are a better person than me!

    That wet kitty photo scared me!

    Good luck and keep me posted. Don't read my blog for the next 3 mos!
    Hope to see you in Phx in March?

  4. I'll be cheering you on and drawing inspiration!

  5. You actually got in that water? Oh you're so brave! I would be scared like the kitty picture!! Good for you!

  6. omg - surely the diet margaritas will come in handy during this trying time! All the best!!! Lisa

  7. Wow... I think I'd run screaming from that tank. My hat is off to you lady... you can do it!

  8. I wish I would have been blogging when we did this.... I love the cat picture, exactly how I felt :]
