Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yo, Vinny!

Because my public demands a pic of our newest family member, and because I think the world of her, this one is for you, Cha Cha . Meet your new cousin, Vinny:

I don't have the heart to tell him he really isn't a Rottweiler... He's got this Napoleon thing going on that is too cute! For now, I'll just let him keep telling all the neighbors dogs just where they can go.


  1. Troppo bello ! He reminds me of ours when we first got him -no bigger than a mozzarella on legs.

  2. Yay! Thanks for bowing to the whims of your public. We fans are very demanding.

    Vinny is darling - I sort of want to put in him my purse and hope you don't notice he's gone.

    And, could you also send me an autographed 8 x 10" glossy? Thanks. :)

  3. What a great addition to your family CUTIES!!!!!

  4. Precious. Gotta love that little dog spirit. :)

  5. Okay okay....he's cute! I'm glad ya didn't get the big dog! Is he a mini or regular size though, it's hard to tell in the picture.

  6. He is just the cutest! I will have to post pic's of my baby on my blog, too.

  7. Too funny! What a sweet dog :)
