Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas tree's are for Mom's

The tree has finally made it's way in from the garage and gotten a decorating "hug". Every year, I buy each of my children their own tree ornaments, and pack each one in tissue paper year to year. The idea is for them to claim each of their ornaments when they grow up and get a home of their own, so that they have fond memories while decorating their own tree. I remember years ago, Teddy was opening his box of ornaments. With each piece of tissue paper flung over his shoulder he'd yell, "It's, it's, it's myyyyyyyyy teddy bear ornament..! It's, it's, it's, myyyyyyyy..." He did that with a gazillion ornaments, he was so excited! As they get older, they aren't as interested in decorating the full tree as they were as small children. But now, each of them has a few favorites that they, and they only, have to put on the tree. The rest of them, I scatter about... and remember who said what, and when, and how, about each one. Sometimes I smile... sometimes I laugh... sometimes I cry... These are memories made for mom's...

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