Did you know that even today, in the year 2010, that almost 17 million— almost one in four—children in America go hungry every day? It's hard for me to fully comprehend that number. Even in my worst of times, when things seemed impossibly lean, I can't say that I have ever known hunger. But millions of children do, right here in our own back yards.
I have joined hands with Food Bloggers everywhere who have partnered with Share Our Strength to help end childhood hunger in America by 2015. Together, on April 17th, Food Bloggers across the country will be having a bake sale to benefit Americas hungry children. All the funds raised here in our community stay here to benefit "our" children.
With our location generously donated by the fantastic folks at 5th and Wine, a fabulous restaurant and wine bar, Team LaDue and Crew will be hosting an amazing bake sale on Saturday, April 17th from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. that will tantalize your taste buds! With exceptional Italian desserts provided by Andrea of All Caked Up, Theresa of Food Hunters Guide to Cuisine, Jennifer of Jennifer's Cooking Spot, myself, and many others, we know we have something to satisfy everyone's craving!
If sweets don't catch your fancy, no worries! Come out to visit us anyway for a fantastic dining experience and raffle prizes from the fab folks at 5th and Wine, Harris Dental, a King Arthur Flour gift basket and more! What..? You say you can't make it that day..?! Well how about joining our team behind the scenes! Leave me a comment with your contact info and I'll tell you how you can help!
I can't wait to see all of you on Saturday April 17th from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.- Let's help Americas children!!

What an excellent way to raise funds and awareness for this cause.
Hopefully people from the culinary festival will wander over and help a great cause!
You are the baking queen! I know your sale will be amazing! thanks for helping out with this! You are the best!
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